About Heather Bruce

About Heather Bruce

Heather Bruce - Common Sense Solutions
Heather Bruce – Common Sense Solutions

Originally from New Zealand, Heather Bruce completed her acupuncture studies in Brisbane in 1979 at a facility allied to Dr van Buren’s college in the Netherlands, (ICOM). Instead of furthering her education in China, she intertwined her acupuncture life with raising four children, birthing them over a gap of 18 years.

Throughout her career, Heather has been instrumental in the development and education of acupuncturists. From 1981 – 84, she designed, wrote and delivered the Australian College of Acupuncture undergraduate course. During this time, she also delivered post graduate seminars focusing on the Eight Extra Meridians, Obstetric acupuncture and the treatment of HIV / AIDS. She returned to undergraduate teaching 1992, and has been writing and producing post graduate training ever since.

For nearly 35 years, she has practiced as an acupuncturist, naturopath and lifestyle counsellor. During this time she has operated clinics and maintained a strong customer base in Brisbane, Australia and also treats patients regularly in New Zealand and Melbourne. She works closely with a small community in New Zealand where 12 is the average number of children per household, 16 being what is expected.

Her challenging work has lead her to specialise in all levels of natural healing, health and wellbeing, especially exploring the nature of disease and its contribution to our life tapestry. Working with patients who were considered “difficult cases” by colleagues and the medical profession, Heather quickly realised that there is no standard treatment that works for everyone and challenged herself, and her patients, by investigating and healing the underlying causes of problems by observing and listening to their life stories.

Heather is internationally regarded as a women’s health specialist, branching into all forms of fertility, birthing and pregnancy management.

In addition to maintaining a busy private practice, Heather continues to lecture and conduct workshops, both locally and internationally, and spends much of her time in research to contribute to her growing collection of self-help eBooks for clients and practitioners. She has also published several books, DVDs and in 2013 created an app for pregnancy mothers.

What Makes Her Message So Different? . . .

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