What others say about courses

I am now running the Arvigo®/Mayan Self Care courses with an acupuncture/practitioners day at the start of it. Why did I start the Arvigo® trainings?
This allows the practitioner to ‘get points’, whilst feel the changes a very senior energy worker can bring into a subject. Whatever one we tackle and then sink into themselves in the Self Care with a focus on themselves.
We will always be experiential as we all learn through stories – ours and others’.
Here is what Chelsea of Havelock North said of the Puberty — “Smooth Transitions”  and the Hands on Health days. (She no doubt wishes she had done the  Self Care – the HOH is an abridged version).”

“I took the course with the thought of widening/ altering my treatment approach for use with fertility/menstrual issues with my clients. I got more out of this course than anything I’ve done previously. Its opened my eyes to a completely different approach to treating that now seems ridiculously obvious. There’s a vast amount of information about puberty, menstruation and menopause that’s not covered in the degree that’s incredibly important to know when treating. For example basic anatomy which is extremely useful to know when discussing issues with a client”.

Trudi, also of Havelock North says . .

“I feel lucky to have attended Heather’s recent one day workshop on puberty, followed by a two and a half day Arvigo® Therapy Self Care workshop.  It was time and money well spent, with a huge amount of practical knowledge that has been immediately useful in clinic.  Arvigo® Therapy seems like a natural fit for acupuncturists (especially those working with fertility, pregnancy, women’s or men’s health), as it supports what we’re doing with our treatments and gives patients simple tools to use to help themselves. 

‘Doing a self-care workshop, and learning a new way to look after yourself is a great place to start.  I’m looking forward to continuing on and doing the professional care training at some point in the future.  In the meantime I’ll be sharing some of the practical wisdom I’ve learned, and will continue to enjoy using the treatments for my own well being.”

Do come and find out for yourself.
I am thoroughly enjoying being able to finally do my heart’s passion . .lighting others’ fires . .

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