baby surgery scars

Happy healthy baby… now.

Cooper in utero was determined to be a ‘3 ½ out of 4’ according to the cardiac specialists seeing the fetal scans and mum was urged to terminate him at 20 weeks.

Mother of two, she fought back, seeing me at the midwives request at 34 weeks pregnant, in dire need of healing on all levels. She had pneumonia after grieving and fighting with everyone. After lots of Chinese herbs and vitamin and minerals (especially fish oil and Vit C, E, Zinc and magnesium in addition to plentiful B Complex (6 daily) she went on to have a normal birth.

Baby taken finally to cardiac surgery after having many blue episodes. Still fully breastfed, he was in far better shape than was expected – and had MORE holes in his heart than they had bargained for.  (Tetralogy of Falot). .

Post surgery and after gaining health, I suggested he come in and get reconnected. He couldn’t feel the scar needles.  I inserted Co 11 just to see what would happen once all these were in, and he tried to pull it out. He was very aware of a normal point, but insensate at the scar interface.

I assume getting meridian flow through the area again – as evidenced by the redness – the normal sensation as Qi flow around such crucial areas is enhanced. I followed this up with moxa on the scarred area and asked mum to massage in comfrey ointment (heals and normalises the skin and I was taught heal holes in the aura.

Read more about Cooper and Tetralogy of Fallot

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