Bell’s Palsy

ICTAM VIII Seoul 2013

WFAS 2013 – Sydney

Plus WFAS Huston 2014


Alternative treatment strategy for facial palsy


Using a simple return to a home (anyone can) remedy (that would have been the first approach in the home, before consulting health helpers), may reinforce any other treatment thought necessary by a paid health care professional.

Looking at what is called Bell’s Palsy in western medicine, we find it is attributed to cold invasion throughout all Chinese medical literature. Rather than locally needling as in the text books, an alternative approach to resolving both acute and chronic Bell’s palsy may be simply removing the stored cold from within the body; using navel cupping, followed immediately by restoring the Yang via the use of moxa

Four cases of BP are shown here as a case series. All came by their BP through different routes. All were dramatically improved through the removal of the cold and enhancement of the body’s inner yang resources.

Bells Palsy presentation (pdf) – This powerpoint presentation is actually about Bells’ palsy – it just looks as though I am gong all around the body – which in fact I am as the Qi flows everywhere and gets stuck anywhere also.

MOXA SACRAL FAN – with REAL moxa – forget it if you think the smokeless works.
NOPE!!! Is not about the heat – it is vibrational . .

This is featured (esp for pregnancy – but is needed on all of us) in the huge multi media – start it and instantly find your passion and results rekindled)   Foundational Moves

REST YOUR METABOLISM – us as well – we are ‘patients’ also
Much more depth . . .
Navel cupping – and the periperals to support Yang Qi/life
As well as my interesting moxa gems)
Topical iodine usage – essential for all of us
Perineal steaming
. . .the crone’s version – multi cultural – gentle – anyone can.

Look to what cold does in a body – is surely Acup 101
Really – we must all look to the food factory – the Middle Heater supports life.
Take the course that allows you to get stunningly simple and profound changes in all of your patients . .
Taking the Cold Out – Also comes with the iodine master presentation – why all that is on this page is happening – and what to do to fix this modern scourge.

Want to learn more?

Foundational Moves – underpinning all I did in clinic PRIOR to starting my Maya/Mercier/Gentling Way additional back/ belly/pelvic trauma relieving magic – this is pivotal for all who we see starting with ourselves – our family – and then our professional ways. .  regardless of what they are. This is the beginning of a life’s work – of undoing WHY things are not fixing themselves. .
Maybe pregnancy is your thing?
Massive – so many eBooks in the specialist issues – gestational diabetes, hyperemesis and relieving ALL pregnancy pain – (from a woman who had lived through decades of developing what works – in the absence of the men’s medical written info) this) practical multi modality (ingredients included) structure determines function approach)
As an example see here – pregnancy back pain – instantly gone!!
Simple and anyone can immerse themselves in life – and what runs us – Qi – and nutrients
If you wish for more . . . Opening the baby gate –  that supports and empowers easy birthing

Here is the maternity special package – containing a lot of the early weekend seminars, notes and all the resources in the package mentioned above.

Declutter, reset and restore


If you are intrigued, and wish to learn more – I have an entire course of private study – with mentoring options for you. It all starts with the Foundational work that provides a base – we all need to undo our own selves also ..

Declutter, reset and restore

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