Cooper – Tetralogy of Fallot

‘Incompatible with life’

(nothing like a fetal scan to freak a mum out)

what to do if given these three words?

One mum kept going in full knowledge that she was giving the gift of life – and that this would be short.

An absolute inspiration – please download here (CLICK)

What are we mums for?

Cooper’s mum’s midwife had known me for years in Brisbane and she had happened to move to the same tiny little backwater I did, in another country – so sometimes patients who would otherwise not have great natural health care found their way to me.

Mum was 33 weeks and had been told at the 20 week scan to abort the baby as if a ‘4’ was dead, he was a 3 ½+’. As a Catholic, and as a mother of two other sons – she couldn’t. She did however get into serious grief and saw me when shattered emotionally and physically, with pneumonia that the antibiotics were not really moving. After sending her home with lots of Vit C. B, Zinc and magnesium, plus Chinese herbs and a few treatments, she recovered.

With extra prayers, Reiki and help she could source whilst I was not there (as I still commute from Brisbane to NZ (even now) she was a lot better. Well enough to NOT have to take her pregnant self to birth from the West Coast of the South Island to Auckland (at her own expense, as he was no accident) to have instant cardiac rescue surgery.

Apparently he was now ‘good enough’ (after all the supplements/herbs and treatments plus dad doing the sacral moxa to improve the placental flow. He would be birthed at the normal large maternity hospital (3 ½ hours over the mountains away). He was good enough to birth vaginally and the doctors would see what happened in the next few months . .

It came to pass that no one (instead of a high risk birth as planned) was present when he arrived – too fast with no midwife – but dad got to see him the wrong colour and thought he was dead . . So there is baby – mum having had a natural bonded, imprinted birth was in love – and did not notice baby not breathing (cord still doing it for him) . . . and eventually he was ‘started up’ and then the fun began!!!

I kept seeing mum as she was still not well – and had two small children who were not traveling well either – all were ill. She knew she needed to stay breast feeding – and besides having strict dietary changes – a lot more protein and veggies and fat – she  stayed on all the fish oil, Vit E, B, C, Zinc and magnesium, and Chinese blood building herbs (far better breast milk made, and more able to cope herself)..

Back then I was not aware of the incredible problem having little Vit D was – and of course where we live is often remarkably wet – hence no sun – even if mums had the time to go out and play in it ..(Without vitamin D the fat soluble and magnesium are not so available and thus the hormone and immune system are all so very dependent upon the D. .

Baby was holding his own, although gradually as he grew bigger and was trying to exert himself, he was getting more blue turns – as one does with Tetralogy of Fallot – and after the last serious one – I suggested she demand to know just how bad does ‘bad enough for an operation’ have to get – as he was to have when born immediate surgery – and now he was several months old. .  .

He did not look well – but as he was alive and was growing .. .

When finally under the knife it was then discovered he was a lot worse than they had thought. I would imagine having all the extra supplements, and using moxa and my treatments mum did made the difference – as better maternal nutrition is all needed in any ‘high risk pregnancy’. Increasing her nutrient load meant she could still be breast feeding – with far better quality milk to help him.

The operation scheduled went ahead with more to follow when he was older.  The extra problems found meant that he was far worse as a neonate than the  ‘3 ½’ they had imagined he was . . .  and the medical team were amazed he had lasted as well as he had.  He was the only one in the ward who was still being breastfed – and I am sure that this helped . . He rapidly recovered with all the repair they did do and they all went home happy and intact. . .

BUT – why does Tetralogy of Fallot happen?

Orthodox medicine does not know – however I would imagine that poor maternal nutrition (listed as a factor . .)  – and lack of magnesium would be the first culprit. Nourishing little hearts .  .My husband searched on the internet – as in that one small town – there were 6 cases that we heard of in two years – surely a cluster? These were actual babies born – not terminated as these parents were told to –  and even this 6 may well have not been the only ones that were born – as curiously enough – there seems to be no register . . .

After 30+ years of intensive maternity focus in my work and thousands of babies I had been exposed to NOT ONE had had this problem – it is not that usual. ALL my patients during, and before pregnancy are automatically on a lot of magnesium (not calcium as it interferes with the far more important magnesium) and Zinc and frequent small doses of B and C – and protein and fat and veggies in the diet . .and all of this has meant very few ‘complications’ of pregnancy – as, as with farming – all is fine if adequate of what we make ourselves with is supplied. Bodies do it for themselves . ..

My husband discovered the link between the SSR drugs and the three times more likelihood of having a T of F baby with these on board. . .  Joining the dots – when ‘needing’ SSR’s one is VERY depleted in magnesium – and when a cardiac/electrical defect is on board – it is more than likely a magnesium deficiency is behind it.

What is there to lose in just taking heaps of all minerals and ensuring a great diet – just in case? I know tantrums were averted at her house if she made muffins (chocolate) every day – as that is all one of her boys would eat . . .

Nourishing our children – please get a copy and use all the information – as what we used to do worked – what we are now doing does not.

What can we do as healers?

Stop playing ‘one hat Harry’ and learn up more about everything – so when someone this upset walks in, we can be a one stop shop – as they need the care and guidance a real healer can give – with lashings of hope and good cheer along the way .


After his surgery and with and with needles used to reroute any energy /meridian disturbances from his life saving surgery. He did not feel them going in, yet when I inserted Co 11 just to see if this was the case he tried to remove it .  . . and he was so easily distracted by his mum.

Toward life and fully – each minute  .  ..  heartfully . . .

After these were withdrawn, moxa was used to move any residual blockages . . .and he was a happy boy . .


He is a beautiful testament to life

and to maternal bloodymindedness and all of our efforts.


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